Friday, 6 May 2011

Web Quest, something more that searching information, or not?

Today, I did my first Web Quest and this was a strange experience because at the beginning I didn't know how to find the required information, but then I filled the table with the first place I felt that this was easier. Personally I thought that this activity would be more difficult but I discovered that I must have patience and to be focused in my task. I sent the task nearly the end of the class hour with the complete items of the table, but I suposse that something is wrong (I hope that the errors are few).

In my opinion, Web Quest is important to learn to find information not only about travels but also about topics related with our career or everything.  I think that this activity is an interactive way to learn English though I felt that time was short (perhaps because it was my first Web Quest and I didn't focus in the specific information) and I confess that sometimes I was bored, especially when I had to search the number of Travel Zone in London through Tube Station, which were too many.

Web Quest wasn't problematic as I suposed but it wasn't something easy. I'd say that this activity was a "spending time" activity because to complete few items I spent a long time on this. However, I learned to be more patient and to be focused in my task.

1 comment:

  1. Hi cecilia, ich mochte Urlaub haben??? we've only started the semester woman. Too soon for a holiday, i fear. I am glad you felt the activity helped you develop your patience, if something. good.
