Hello again my reader, this time is a special time because today, Thursday 12th, is the National Strike and demosntration for the Recovery of Public Education. According to CONFECH, this strike presents the stances of the student movement respect to the Higher Education Reform. It has three points, which are briefly:
- The Access, which is to search quality and equity for all.
- The Financing, which is to increase fiscal spending.
- Democratization of Higher Education institutions.
At the beginning, when I entered to Bachillerato in 2008, these topics and similars seemed a bit distant because in my school there wasn't discussion, but when I transfered to Anthropology I started to get information about these topics and I understood that these issues were and are very important for the students in general.
I entered through PSU and I got the Bicentenario Scolarship, JUNAEB Scolarship and Equity Scolarship Universidad de Chile. All of these scolarships I got it because I had a good score PSU and I am among the first and the second socioeconomic quintile. Therefore, these topics affect me directly because one year ago I had some problem with the payment of my scolarship: every time that I called to Junaeb, they said me that "they were solving some problems", so part of my Scolarship was paid in November! when it should be paid in Marz-April and then every month.
Other thing is the topic related with the tariff, wich has increased every year like the enrollment. However, the scolarship money is the same every year while feeding and things related with photocopies, school pass (Bip card, wich increase $130 to $180 Chilean pesos) and more have increased. Also, application criteria have changed and several students have lost their scolarships, so they have had to borrow.
In my case it hasn't happened (yet) but I think that Chilean State should have more participation in Education to avoid things like these. The State and the goverment should leave the profit and to worry about the quality and access to education. Actually, the goverment has had a passive attitude and it only has injured to the students with its "Public" Policies in favor of the profit.
Although I support the strike and its reasons, I won't go to the demonstration on Thursday partly because of laziness, partly because the march usually ends with unpleasant incidents, which are well known. However, I've read about these issues and I've been paying attention about what happens constantly. Also, I vote in the course assembly and I read the CECSO's communiqué (also CONFECH, FECH, etc) For now, I hope that these topics are considered by the goverment like an important and relevant thing and not like an insignificant and irrelevant thing or like that students only do the strike because they don't want to go to classes.